Nautica Bourland

Taking the leap abroad

After starting community college in the middle of COVID, Nautica Bourland ’25 felt equally excited and nervous about the prospect of studying abroad in South Korea. But she knew that transferring to Albright College was her first big step toward making it happen.

“I started getting into Korean culture and music when I was in high school,” said Bourland, “but there were a decent number of things that made me think ‘oh my, this is scary.’”

Afterall, it would be Bourland’s first time leaving the U.S., first time flying alone and first time living alone. She worried about not knowing much of the language, or how the food might sit with her picky palate. 

But she regularly reminded herself and others that she would study abroad, in South Korea, in the springtime, when she could celebrate her birthday and see the cherry blossoms in bloom.

Nautica Bourland
Nautica Bourland among the cherry blossoms.

Albright’s Experiential Learning and Career Development Center (ELCDC) helped her to connect with the University of Sookmyung — as well as to secure the Marian Frances Wolbers Study Abroad Scholarship, established by Michael Walker to help Albright students fund study abroad experiences.

Letting her excitement win out, Bourland made her journey in the spring of 2024. But she didn’t just stay in South Korea. She also traveled all around Asia, visiting five other countries — three of them solo!

“My recommendations for students who are considering studying abroad is that they should jump into the opportunity,” says Bourland. “I was very fortunate to meet so many wonderful people from over 20 countries all around the world. The connections that I made will last a lifetime and if anything, it makes me want to travel more to meet and see everyone. Now that I have a taste for studying abroad and being so independent, I am already planning a trip abroad for next summer.”

“I can say that you will grow as a person, both mentally and physically. My time abroad feels like a dream. It is an experience I would not change for the world.”

University of Sookmyung students
Bourland’s University of Sookmyung classmates

Graduating (with honors) with a degree in social services from RACC, Bourland joined Albright College in 2022, studying sociology: criminology and international relations. She is an active member of the International Students Association, Club Vogue and Promise Scholars, among others, and regularly attends events on campus, in New York City or Philadelphia.

“The friends I have met at Albright have made me feel happy and welcome,” says Bourland. “And these experiences have made me grow and turned me into the person who I am — the one who took a leap of faith to study abroad.”

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