On Nov. 1, Albright College is offering an educational session about identifying and controlling the Spotted Lanternfly, at 6 p.m., in the college’s Science Center, room 255. The session is free and open to the public.
“Spotted Lanternfly: Identification, Control and Education” will include information on the introduction and biology of this invasive insect, as well as potential hazardous effects the species can have on our environment, economy and quality of life. Biosecurity measures and methods of control will also be covered, along with ways to educate others.
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the Spotted Lanternfly, native to China, India and Vietnam, was first discovered in the state locally, and has been spreading outward from Berks County. From October through June, citizens are asked identify and scrape away eggs laid on trees, and use an online tool to report sightings of egg masses, nymphs, or adult spotted lanternfly.