Following a campus breakfast, Buffie Longmire-Avital, Ph.D., will share a keynote titled “What you say, and what I hear! Communication and sustainability in a diverse community” for Albright College’s spring 2023 Empowering Voices Day, Fri., March 3, 9 a.m., in the college’s McMillan Center, south lounge. Empowering Albright Voices day is filled with panels and activities that bring awareness to relevant social topics. All Empowering Albright Voices events are free and open to the public.
Longmore-Avital is a diversity, inclusion and racial equity scholar-educator and the first Black-identified faculty member promoted to the rank of professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Elon University. She is also the inaugural director of an equity initiative called the Black Lumen Project. She will discuss the quest to develop more inclusive and diverse communities on college campuses, with special attention to how communication impacts and shapes the college environment.
Longmire-Avital earned her doctorate in applied developmental psychology from New York University. Her research has focused on how systemic injustices in combination with various psychosocial factors contribute to health inequities that impact racial and sexual minorities.
Empowering Albright Voices day participants are able to voice challenges of discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, accessibility, religious practices and more. Participants will openly discuss difficult topics and learn about people who are different from themselves, in an effort to cultivate an inclusive, thriving community.
Learn more about Empowering Albright Voices day online and follow #EmpoweringAlbrightVoices on social media.