Jack Burke ’25

Advancing Lives Scholarship keeps athlete in school

Men’s lacrosse team tri-captain Jack Burke ’25 was struggling to figure out how he would earn the money needed to cover the increased costs of his education and return to Albright for his junior year.

“I thought I’d have to take a year off, but I didn’t want to do that. Receiving a scholarship when I needed it most really impacted me and my family to help pay for my schooling,” said Burke, who received the Selaine and Scott ’88 Keaton Advancing Lives Scholarship.

Advancing Lives Scholarships were initiated in 2019 after a matching leadership gift made by Jeff ’83 and Cindy Joyce and the Joyce Family Foundation helped establish 20 new endowed scholarships. The funds are designed to help sophomores, juniors and seniors bridge the rising costs of tuition that are not included in their first-year financial aid package.

Jack Burke ’25
Jack Burke ’25. Photo by David Morgan.

A member of Albright’s Board of Trustees since 2017, Scott Keaton ’88 established the endowed scholarship with his wife, Selaine, to provide students with a way to finish their college degrees. The Keatons have also generously supported Albright athletics, unrestricted giving, capital projects and the Class of 1988 Scholarship.

“Albright provided interdisciplinary, international, creative and leadership experiences that inspired me to pursue jobs requiring cross-functional responsibilities and to live and work overseas,” said Keaton, who majored in accounting, combined with a program in communications. “I’ve always appreciated that, and we are honored to help current students like Jack to benefit from an Albright education like I have.”

Keaton attended a lacrosse practice where Burke, a psychology and sociology: criminology co-major, personally thanked him for his help.

“I told him how much I appreciate him and his wife for the scholarship that I received,” said Burke, whose initial financial aid package included the Franklin R. Joseph ’57 Endowed Scholarship.

Encouraged by his lacrosse coaches to switch from playing mid- fielder to attacker, Burke currently holds Albright’s record for the highest number of goals scored in one game (11). After his first season playing, he received the Offensive MVP Award for the men’s lacrosse team and Albright Athletics’ Most Outstanding First-Year Male Athlete Award.

“I couldn’t be more thankful for the help I received. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to finish my education and pursue my career,” said Burke, who smashed the 2023-2024 lacrosse season with 34 goals and 18 assists and was named as an Honorable Mention to the MAC Commonwealth’s 2024 All-Conference team.

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